Sunday, May 10, 2009


Blood..flowing thicker than custard in my veins.......
Power coursing larger than the Andromeda through my body....
Courage moving greater than the Pacific into my heart
Tears gushing faster than a tornado from my eyes....

I have written a few metaphorical comparisons for an unknown reason.....

These are difficult times....

These are difficult days....

You give grace in a world that doesn't sleep at all...
You give me grace in a place that I have never been to before...
That is why I will never be alone....

Precision, brilliance at the time of need.... the strength to extract that extra bit and reach the heavenly stage to prove yourself once again ......

When gold turns to brass and the tiger loses its speed and skill......when riches turn to dust and the warriors are defused and poisoned....

When a stained finger does not require washing...when a single act of participation can raise a million hearts and retract the fingers of blame...When a stained finger..brings a smile and not a frown to the bearers of a great nation....


Diya said...

Couldent understand the purpose at first, but the last part... and it dawned on me.
Good metaphors though, had they happened truly... where would you have been?...!! :~ :P

Unknown said...

@diya : the metaphors are a part of my life...they all belong to my personal experience treasure trove :D

Diya said...

personal huh...! And ur ALIVE???? :O

Unknown said...

@diya : still alive girl, still alive :D