Friday, August 29, 2008


This poem by me is dedicated to someone........very special...If you are reading it.....I mean every word of it...

I lay awake ….lying listlessly on my bed; my hands touched the cold marble floor….

The candle burned lower and lower and the room sank slowly into darkness……

My heart was slowing down…….and my limbs were shivering to the core…

My eyes were fixed on the door waiting for it to open and usher in my princess…

Would she ever come??…I was at death’s door…my life was evaporating fast,

Would I live to see another morning?? My brain refused to let me cling on to hope…

“Give up your hope” it said…how could I?? I knew she would come and help me last…

The moon cast it’s rays upon my shriveled body trying to console me and help me cope…

When my heart was at it’s last beat and my eyes had begun to close for good,

I heard a tiny little creak and instantly all my senses unaccountably froze….

The dying candlelight cast it’s halo on a lovely face with beautiful curls....there she stood,

Her graceful poise and feminine aura enveloped me like an adrenalin dose…..

She walked into the room softly…the candlelight grew brighter with her every step….

Her ethereal smile shocked my heart into a steady beat and my arms unaccountably rose..

I trembled and shivered before I took her lovely hand in mine and slowly wept,

Her hands and touch reassured me;I felt her love and my emotions burst through the hose.

She had dragged me out from the abyss of death and played me like a lovely harp,

Her hug felt warm and so good to be in…it was like heaven on was divine…

She is my protector….my angel……without her presence…I am a thrashing carp…..

Everyday I wait for her to walk in through the doorway and I wait for the candle to shine.

1 comment:

thinkin said...

Beautiful is all I can think of...I really had to make an effort to comment on this one...The Lover in you has written it with emotions in their best form...
I really hope that 'someone special' reads it.... the word :)
p.s. pardon me if I cudnt do justice in commenting on it....
I think only She can :)