Tuesday, August 26, 2008

COMPLAINTS AND RANTS.................

I missed my fingers rattling away on my keyboard…After a 3 day sabbatical, I pulled up my stool and cracked my knuckles only to find my keyboard …swearing and cursing…I bent down and placed my ear near it’s many keys…. “Stubborn mule….Who does he think he is anyway???” grumbled my keyboard “It’s pure murder…pounding away on my babies like a wild savage”

I ignored it’s rants and racked my brains for a new topic…when suddenly my stool shouted out “Do you ever care about us you moron?? Do I have nothing else to do but to bear the weight of your ass while you cavort about on top!!!!?”. I hurriedly pushed away my stool and dragged out a chair…..

I had barely started typing when my mom shouted “Do you know the amount your father has to pay to fulfill your electricity requirements?? Do you have nothing better to do than to type away like a mentally disabled flamingo??”.

I typed with a greater speed when out of the blue my friend called up “Do you know that I was waiting for you today?? How dare you leave college without me you torn leather gas bag!! “. I consoled him and managed to shut down my mobile within a couple of minutes………

I closed the MS OFFICE application and looked at some pictures of my angel for a while and things felt calmer and happier. I closed my eyes and dreamt about some good and happy times and when I did open my eyes….my dad was standing in front of me…..”Close down the computer and start studying in 2 minutes before I rip you from limb to limb!!” he roared….

I kicked my slippers in anger and tore a couple of pamphlets in frustration…….I tore at my hair…..and gobbled several pedas which my mom had reserved for guests……………

I looked around wildly…..trying to find an object to vent my fury on………and my eyes fell on…………… my pillows………
“You dirty vandals, you stupid ostrogoths…how dare you offend me!!” I screamed and pounced upon them. After 5 minutes of punching……I realized that my pajama string had come undone and my pillows had beaten me once again…………………

1 comment:

Puneet said...

Cool blog buddy. Keep writing... Will watch out for more.