Sunday, December 7, 2008


The mystery still continues to haunt me. Why is exasperation the outlet for suppression ?? The soul is very often padlocked, quartered and lynched. To seek the confines of loneliness is pretty normal in these circumstances.... Why do we throw away the key after chaining our wandering heart securely?

The problem lies in the snow storm which is blowing from the east...It has frozen my boots and I am not able to take a single step forward...The funny point is that the warmth my heart used to emanate earlier has been the ice can no longer be melted...Maybe I am frozen for good some prehistoric blood has turned to water and I am waiting once again for someone to come along, melt the ice...excavate and rescue my failing frozen limbs and heart......

The heart seeks warmth like glowworms....and it shines bright when it i s happy.... But when you capture it in a bottle and stow it away....both the heart and the glowworm expire after sometime..... I seek redemption....not for my sins....but for all my good is not your sins that haunt is the best times you have enjoyed in your life that come back to you like old forgotten ghosts....

Maybe I will wait again...lonely by the chin on my knees and my hands clasped around my legs in the dwindling sunlight and wait for the moon to disappear and the sun to bake my cold face with it's's warmth that I need, with every passing day....I am being frozen into oblivion.....

1 comment:

thinkin said...

"I seek redemption....not for my sins....but for all my good times"
How love teaches you to find a ray of hope in the darkest of alleys of life...and we even set out, eagerly if I may add...
Hangin there dude, you will definitely get whatever you so willingly and happily gave :)

p.s. the last para was just so perfect... :)