Thursday, December 4, 2008


She danced her way into my life from heaven; the night was glittering,
The lovely violets paled in comparison to her rosy flush....
Her hair was tousled and her lovely eyes were glimmering.....

Her eyes were like a deep pool; the waters of which were warm and proud,
The air around her seemed to glow with her presence and aura,
Her simplicity was something that stood out from the rest of the crowd....

The mascara was evenly applied and there was just a hint of lipstick on those beautiful lips,
The ears were sporting simple studs and her arms were lovingly bare,
Her smile could light a million candles and her grace could flatten her majesty's ship....

I stretched for her hand, I tried to talk to her and I knew that she was the one...
Suddenly the lights brightened and I woke up once again....
The sun's rays hit my eyes...the angel I sought was gone...

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