Thursday, May 28, 2009

I AM........ SO VERY SORRY :(

This post is dedicated to the author of INsanely Sane...Surviving qualmless ,to my adorable T and friend Sitanshu :D

When the wind often blows from the lime trees to the brick walls,
And I am on the move...alone ...with music as my companion...
There are times when I feel that I have not done justice to someone's heart walls...
The walls which need to be strengthened by an understanding, a fusion....

For there are times after my wet hair has dried and I am nibbling on biscuit crusts,
Someone's thought knocks at my memory bank, someone calls out to me....
Someone asks me to know them for what they are, someone asks me to justify their trust,
I know I have partied with Blunder and Heartlessness, my two least favorite enemies...

From accusations that I know will hurt my most precious love,
From bitter words that I know will create a rift between us....
I have drawn an inner strength that sets me free like a dove,
A desire to acknowledge that someone who rides my heart's bus....

Here I fall before you on my knees..and pour out my heart with it's many fractions...
And acknowledge that you have been always the one to hold me when I am shaking...
You have always been patient, though hurt, loving though pained by my actions...
I have been the heartless doubter, the one who has always suspected your genuine feelings..

I am so sorry, my life, my adorable one...I cringe when I look back into the past...
I miss you my friend, the one who always has a smile and words of encouragement to lend,
I love my angel, I respect you my friend and I adore you my brother..who is with me steadfast...
Without the love I get from all of life would truly reach a sad end.....


Diya said...

Hmmmmmm... should I turn my collars up? :D
Thankxx for the dedicated post, it was wonderful n I read it n number of time! :)
And you need not have realized sooo many things re, I just didnt understand anything f those games ;) :P
You are always welcome, and we are always here to comfort and encourage you dear. :)
Hope you stay well always. :)

Unknown said...

@diya : it so happened that some some incidents took place simultaneously :) Thank u so much :)
That brought a smile on my face :)

thinkin said...


I tried hard to say atleast something, but I could do justice to neither your thoughts nor words...
Trust me, you are getting better and better with each post... :)

PI said...

i think you've been forgiven on all counts.innit?

Unknown said...

@thinkin: Thank you, a hug for you :) dats the least I can give you :)

Unknown said...

@pseudo : I will not know unless the concerned people tell me...I can account for one who commented above :)