Sunday, August 17, 2008


Power and an infinite capacity to bear pain is what I have been blessed with….I have known fear in it’s most primeval form and I have suffered and have bore misery with all the guts inside me…I have never known joy….pure, unbridled, cascading and supreme…Something has died inside me…I do not know what it is yet…I know something has been born inside me….I do not know what it is yet…

I have been stalked all my life by terror but I have never yielded…I have withstood pressure and armored depression. I have been beaten, made to taste mud again … and again…and again…and again…but I have always tried to stand up and spit the mud out and wobble forward…again…and again….and again….and again.

I have exorcised my demons and I have slept a long deep sleep of dormant passiveness. I have dreamt of my past….. enveloped in the darkness….the days I spent in the streets. The journeys which I had undertaken had left me bruised and bloody…. Compassion was my bread and vengeance was my wine…these two do not go together you say?? What do you know about pain?? Huh?? Have you felt it?? Of course you have….but not like I have….

I have known the pain…the pain a brother feels on seeing his brother die…...massacred before my eyes and I could do nothing to save him….When I did….I was stabbed and cut down myself and tortured and I bled….

I have now breathed in my deepest fears…..As a person…of flesh and blood I can be corrupted and destroyed but as a symbol….I am incorruptible and indestructible…The mask is on….I have seen their anger…It’s time that my enemies face mine.

1 comment:

PI said...

anger's a powerful, but easily misguided emotion. if ever u do let it have its way, make sure to review every step it urges u to take!
yeah, we're the privileged lot speaking here.but scratch the surface abc, and u might be in for a surprise.
good post