Friday, October 24, 2008


Once scars are hurting me....once again my heart is having that sinking feeling....Sad songs give me solace and in some way fuel the sadness. It all begins when my scars start itching .....I am no Harry potter but I feel my scars hurt when danger or sadness is lurking around the corner.

Its all very choky at the moment.....Its all deja vu'.....I cannot begin to explain.....I cannot begin to reconcile..........I cannot start crying....I cannot stop grimacing..... Its a monopoly and an unfair one....I know I do not hold the cards...but I am still there at the roulette table. Something tells me that I should back off...because I am going to lose heavily...but then like every other fool who takes risks...I find myself still there. I know that at the end of the night...I am going to lose all my money.

What saddens me is the way I lose my ground. Life offers you a batter of the best sauces of sadness and happiness mixed together...mine tastes too sad and cruel.The old dreams are haunting me....I am a different man now....Drastic changes have affected me....I am moodier, gloomier, scared, looking over my shoulder for that fatal blow....I am living every minute like a convict on the run. I beg for refuge at someone's house.....

The saddest part is that....nobody understands me and gives me a place to stay.....I thought they would.....but sadly...I am an outcast now....I am on the run....not for long....My time is nearly up.

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